
Wednesday, 27 February 2013

April Bookbinding Workshop

Workshop Full
Please contact me if you would like first dibs at my next workshop ... date tbc.

I have been wanting to run a workshop in my local town for quite a while and recently snatched at the opportunity to book the art room above the newly-located local Art Shop (a family run business).

During this workshop, I will guide you through the process of making your very own “Open Spine” hand-bound notebook, which you can then take home and enjoy. All abilities are welcome as I will endeavour to adapt the workshop to your requirements.

All materials and specialist equipment will be provided. If you have any special fabric or paper you would like to include then please bring them along too. We will also have access to the materials in the art shop at a discounted price (% tbc). It will be like having our very own arty larder!

Coffee and tea will be provided, but please bring your own packed lunch. If we're feeling a bit flush, we could always pop up the road to the world-renowned Betty's Tea Room.

The Art Shop,  Ilkley, West Yorkshire, LS29 9DU (on the corner of Hawksworth Street, facing onto Leeds Road - a brisk two-minute walk from the train and bus stations).

Please contact me via  for further information or to book a place. I will be asking for a £10 deposit at the time of booking to confirm your place on the workshop.

I look forward to hearing from you!

Kate x

Please note that the building is pretty old and the staircase to the art room is a little steep, and may therefore be inaccessible to people with a mobility issue.

Tuesday, 19 February 2013

Little linen books ...

I've just received a bundle of Jane Greenoff's original, hand drawn, cross stitch designs.  They are completely gorgeous, especially the crossings out and tippex splodges. So before I gird my loins and chop them to pieces, ready for a new batch of "Little Linen Books" .....  here are a few pictures.

Monday, 18 February 2013

"Mollie Makes" Moodboard ...

My little Floral Beermat Book is featured on the Mollie Makes Monday Mood Board ...

Monday, 11 February 2013

Coloured threads .....

I've been finding it more and more difficult to get hold of coloured linen threads. There is a plethora of beautiful Irish threads available via America and Germany ... but frustratingly very few available in the UK. Customs charges, and that killer £8 Royal Mail  handling charge, put most of these just out of my reach. I have also found it particularly hard to find coloured thread in the size that I like to use in my books, I find that any threads larger than 25/ 3 cord are too bulky for the stitches I favour.

I think I may have found a solution .... dye my own. Armed with: a very basic knowledge, a few home dyes and a couple of pans on the stove I had a play and came up with these ......

..... the blue thread on this mini shoe leather book is one of mine

Once I master my technique I plan to post a "how to" tutorial. In the meantime ... be warned ... linen threads twist like mad when wet and are fiendish to untangle.

Sunday, 3 February 2013

1st blue sky in months .....

.... means "Time to update photos".
Here are a few of the books photographed .. all available in my Folksy shop.